Wednesday, May 11, 2016

BugLug Vocalist Injured

BugLug's vocalist Issei was injured and hospitalized after a fall on May 7th. A statement on the band's OHP explains that the vocalist fell down some stairs and was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he was diagnosed with a severe head trauma and taken into emergency surgery. The artist remains in intensive care with only family and doctors allowed admittance. As a result, the label has not yet been able to speak with doctors about his condition and is not able to give more details. BugLug's upcoming scheduled events have been postponed at this time. Band member Tsubame offered this in  his personal comment:  "Issei is always saying "Because I can see hope on the other side of despair, I should be able to overcome any painful condition or any kind of adversity." So, we believe in hope and wait."

BugLug OHP here

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